Friday, September 15, 2006

Trying to quit

I am a smoker. I am trying to quit-again. Last night my 15 yr. old daughter "asked me to please quit". WOW!!! So that made such an impression on me I went out and bought the gum.
I am doing for her, my hubby(BBW) and myself. I already have enough health issues I don't need anymore.
So this is gonna be hard on me especially when I'm thinking of a career change too.
Wish me luck.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

I wish you luck and all the best.

Freddie said...

Oh yeah. Good luck Lori. The couple of times I've tried (unsuccessfully of course), I ate a lot of Peppermint candy (the tastes just didn't mix for me), and chewed on a lot of straws.

Also, my oldest stepdaughter used to nag her father and I about smoking all the time. And guess who's smoking now?

Also, you're linked now. ;)

Freddie said...

That should've been "her father and me"....

Anonymous said...

Good luck not smoking. Particularly in the restaurant business. I manage a 24 hour restaurant, so I know just how hard it can be. I am working on my 2nd day of not smoking. I smoked 3 or 4 yesterday, and have only had 2 today. I have been a 2-3 pack a day smoker for 26 years, so am having a pretty hard time quitting. If I don't kill my employees over the next few days, I may just make it.

Roses said...

Children are wonderful motivators!

One day at a time.
Good luck!