Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Do you ever have a restless night?
Maybe bad dreams?
You hear a noise or something and it
awakens you.
Do you ever lay in bed and stare at the ceiling or the clock?
Do random thoughts run through your mind?
Do you get out of bed and pace the floor
back and forth?
All of this happened to me last night?


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Ohhh, sometimes it's like that. Maybe it has to do with you stop smoking? Next time...try to read a book, play card or something.
I woke up in the middle of the night of pain in my armpit and discovered that I'm full of swollen lymph-knots...Today I feel goes on...

Anonymous said...

I've had nights like that too Lori...they're maddening! I bet it does have something to do with the not smoking thing.

Dazd said...

I get like this too. Watching infomercials helps. Those will bore me into sleep almost everytime. If that doesn't work, I watch MSM channels. lol

Anonymous said...

When I can't sleep I read dragonlady's blog...LOL j/k drago!

Roses said...

When I wake up in the middle of the night (and I very often do), I try reeeeally hard not to turn on the TV because it's way too easy to watch to the end of whatever's on just to get to the next show which I'd like to watch... and suddenly it's been two hours in front of the television. Ugh.

Instead, pour a tall glass of milk or water or anything mild (no alcohol!) that you can stomach, sit in the dark and drink it slowly.

Lots of times, I'm just dehydrated, and that's why I wake up.

Good luck.
Hope it was just a one time annoyance and not the beginning of a long, bad habit.