Friday, September 29, 2006

The mornings

I love the peace and quite in the mornings.
I hear the coffee maker brewing my Hazelnut coffee
and it smells good.
I hear several Cardinals outside on our birdfeeder.
The kitten(Boots) making noise at the birds.
She wants to go outside and attack them.
I hear other birds in the distance along
with some geese nearby.
I can also hear a few cars driving on the nearby
street. As they drive through puddles on the wet street.
I hear the wind blowing through the trees.

The peace and quite in the mornings.
And the coffee is done. I need my morning
coffee to get me going.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori, found you at Freddie's.

Isn't it weird how Cardinals are about the only birds who frequent our bird feeders?

My girlfriend's dad died about 8 years ago, and before he did, he told her that he would come back to see her as a Cardinal. Every morning he is seen chowing down on seed until the squirrels get there.

loria said...

That is awesome. Yes we get a family of them outside and I love listening to them and seeing them.

Kirsten N. Namskau said...

Yeah, sounds like me. "The life is not the worse to bear, and in a while ... I've my coffee hear"