Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Okay I have to admit that I just can't seem to sit my butt down and study. How am I going to pass my test if I don't? I came upstairs to research something on the computer and did but somehow found my way to reading BLOGS. I can't help it. I AM ADDICTIED. It's like I have to read them to keep in touch with reality. Is that wrong?
Since I've started school and work 2 days a week and have been sick the past week, I haven't gotten out much. It seems all I do is work, school and some housework. I just feel like I have lost touch with the world. Oh dear god! I need a life. Wait a minute, that is WHY I am going to school to better my life. Slap me and wake me up, please.
I do have this coming weekend off before things start get really confussed in my life. Starting on the 11th of Nov. I start clinical work. So I need to enjoy this last weekend and try to have fun. I need to try to sleep in. This time change has messed me up. I'm up at 630 am just about every morning.
By the way, I enjoy reading the blogs. It makes me laugh and think about my own life and things in it I have gone through.
So everyone keep up the good work and writing and keep me in touch with reality.
Keep me laughing and thinking and wondering.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you went through with going back to school.

It's a keep up the studying and we'll keep up the writing.

Good luck on your test.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. It's worth it. Good luck on your test.

Roses said...

Does keeping you up-to-date on Desperate Housewives count as keeping you in touch with "reality"?
'Cause I can do that. :)