Saturday, November 11, 2006


It is Sat. night and nothing is on t.v. or cable to watch. So as I was flipping through the channels, guess what I found on t.v.? HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS. Come on, it's not even Thanksgiving yet. It's bad enough they are showing Christmas commericals already. Can't they wait until after Thanksgiving? Soon we'll be seeing Christmas stuff in July. I swear it's earlier and earlier every year.
But at least The Wizard of Oz is coming on next. And that is a classic to watch.
I just think they should wait a little bit longer before running Christmas shows. What about some Thanksgiving shows or cartoons?
That's my 2 cents worth. What do you think?
Do you think that retailers should wait before running Christmas commercials?
Do you think that t.v. channels should wait until AFTER Thanksgiving to start with all the Christmas stories and cartoons?
Let me hear your 2 cents worth.


Anonymous said...

I agree they should wait until Thanksgiving, but then again, if I WAIT until Thanksgiving to start shopping, everything will be gone.

loria said...

Oh the shopping I don't mind. It's all the lights that are already up in the malls and on the street lights. That should wait until Thanksgiving.

Roses said...

I've heard the term "Christmas Creep" which refers to how early Christmas merchandise creeps into the stores.
And I've joked that one of these years, I'm going to hand out candy canes for Halloween.

I'm with Freddie, though. If I don't start shopping a little early, I end up anxious and very unhappy come December.
I used to do very well with Christmas shopping until the husband decided he wanted to "help", and suddenly, nothing gets done until the week before.
And I'm a nervous wreck.

Whee, honey! Happy Holidays from your nutjob wife!