Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All by myself.

All by myself..............
Isn't that a song? Mr. Wolf left for Alaska today. He should be arriving in a few hours there. I was in school when he called me and he said he was broading the plane in MN. But at least I got to say another "hello and I love you". I got up at 5:30 am this morning to take him to the airport. Boy, was I tired.
Then off to school. I was fighting so hard to stay awake and try not to yawn. So on break, off to the 7-11 for a 24oz. cup of java. Then it was test time. Didn't do bad for someone that hardly studied. Made a 90.
I was busy watching the Country Music Awards last night and trying to studying. But Mr. Wolf did tell me this am not to try to study and watch t.v.
And then after class came home. AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!
The silence. My daughter was over at a friends house helping her out with her little one(she's 3 yrs. old). So I made a pot of coffee and snacked and laid on the sofa and took a NAP. One-I needed it and two-why not since no one was here.
The puppy even curled up with me and slept next to me too.
It's still quite in the house. It's getting chilly out and suppose to rain. So hopefully with the rain I can sleep good. I usually don't sleep well the first night that Mr. Wolf is gone. I'm still tired so I don't think I won't have any problem sleeping.
See, this is when I need my hubby. I need more milk and now I'm gonna have to walk next door to Food Lion and get it, and I HATE GOING OVER THERE. Oh well, it's close and it's within walking distance. I'm just feeling lazy.
So off to get milk. And enjoy the rest of the quite. Yea, daughter is still at friends house. THANK GOODNESS.


Jean said...

congrats on the test!... and, may you sleep well tonight.

loria said...

Thank you! I think I will sleep good,it's poring down rain here.

Anonymous said...

Hope the time flies for you and Mr Wolf. He made it. I saw an Alaska IP this morning.

Keep studying (eyes on the prize). No way could I watch TV and study. I actually had to put my fingers in my ears in order to study sometimes.