Monday, November 27, 2006

Hello everyone

Sorry I haven't been on my blog until this am. We went to N.J. for Thanksgiving. We had a really good time. My daughter went with us along with the puppy. He loved "grandma" and I do have to say she loved him too. Oh don't worry, he got to eat turkey too.
I'm really glad to be home. I missed our cats while we were gone.
Now it's time to get ready for Christmas. I did have Mr. Wolf hang up our wreath. So that is a start. I might work on somethings today inside the house.
But first I have to study for school.
I had midterms last Tues. and did ok. I made an "88" on my midterm. I could've done better. But that's not bad with everything that is going on with my health right now. Also I had found a lump in my right breast. It's nothing. It has gone down in size and I had one several years ago. But I am still gonna have it checked out. More than likely it's a swollen lymph node.
I just have to get through today and tomorrow first. Tonight I start the process for the colonoscpy on Tues. at 3:30pm. Yea, that's gonna be fun.
At least it will be over soon and behind me. We should know something after the test is complete. Hopefully it's not too bad.
I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I did. I have alot to be thankful for.
One is all the people that read my blog and the friendships I've made through the blogs.
Thank you all.


Roses said...

Welcome back!

Good luck tonight and tomorrow.
Tell whoever takes you in and drives you home that you'll be a little loopy from the (really GOOD) drugs, but you'll be fine. :)

loria said...

Mr. Wolf is taking me. I have told him I am going to be loopy and tired when I get home.

Anonymous said...

I wish you luck on your colonoscopy, and hope the lump turns out to be nothing. Keep us posted after you've visited the doctor.

I'm glad that Wolf was able to spend Thanksgiving with you and that you guys had a wonderful time.

Oh and congrats on the good mid-term score.