Friday, November 03, 2006


Yes it's Friday. I needed today off from work and school, even though I have to study. It's been a long week and a even longer one is coming up.
I thought I'd start my morning by enjoying the peace and quite. Until much to my surprise I hear a strange noise upstairs. So I go and look to see what the cats have done? The kitten,Boots-who has been very playful and full energy this morning; has knocked over a table with a plant sitting ontop of it. So I clean most of it, have to vacuum the bedroom later. Locked all 3 cats out of our bedroom for a bit.
Then proceed to continue watching "Grey's Anatomy", that I recorded last night. So I got to finish watching it.
Until my daughter gets up with the puppy. And he's wanting nothing but,ATTENTION from anyone who'll give it to him.
Then I realized my hubby leaves on Tues. for Alaska for a month. Great. I've gottne use to having him around and being able to snuggle up to him on the cold nights. The depression sets in. Along with him missing "Thanksgiving-again". Oh well, life goes on and I'll deal with it. It shouldn't be too bad, I'm spending 3 days with his parents in N.J. OMG! The horror!(LOL). I love his parents and they love me. Beside his mom cooks enough food for an army.
I miss Mr. Wolf when he's gone. He's my big teddybear. Well, I'll have the cats sleeping with me but not the warmth from hubby. But hey, I look at this way-I GET THE WHOLE BED TO MYSELF......... YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
Well, I did vacuum the bedroom where the cat made the wonderful mess and loaded the dishwasher and started a load of laundry.
So now if I can pull myself away from this computer, I'm gonna go study and relax abit today.
It's too windy and cold to go out and do anything.


Anonymous said...

Your day sounds a lot like mine. Other than the studying that is. Hope you have a great weekend...enjoy your time with wolf!

Maybe you should buy a hampster and put it in one of those balls that they can roll around in. I bet that would keep puppy occupied. LOL