Friday, January 12, 2007


I'm driving to work this morning(like every morning) and I'm on the highway.
Ok if you know you need to get over your exit why not do it instead of waiting for the LAST MINUTE. And when you're stopped at a red light, why floor it to get over into the lane you need to be in;when there is NO ONE IN FRONT OF YOU. This happened to me 3 times this morning. I know where the lanes merge and when I need to get over.
Why is everyone in such a HURRY???? If I'm running a little late, I don't sweat it. If it's due to traffic then there is nothing in my power that I can do about it.
And accidents. Why does everyone have to "rubber neck" when there's an accident. Don't they understand that slows traffic down even more.
And people jogging. Why jog in the freaking road for pete's sake? Use the darn sidewalks, that's what they are there for, so USE THEM.
This has been MY day. Annoyed. Along with not getting much sleep this week. Last night I probably got 2-3 hours and that was with an OTC sleep aid. Why can't they
seem to work? I'm gonna get some sleep tonight-somehow and some way.
So my T.G.I.Friday has been wonderful. But at least I am in the house-alone.
Well 3 cats and 1 puppy but for the most part ALONE................
Does anyone have any suggestions on getting some sleep, without having to go see the doctor??? Anything will be helpful.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I like the new look. I have nothing to offer on the sleep thing. I only have problems waking up.

Roses said...

What IS with jogging on the street when there's a perfectly good sidewalk? I can understand after a snow storm when some walks might not be shoveled yet, but what gives?