Monday, June 11, 2007

My youngest daughter, Errin

Well where should I start?
Let's start on Fri. (the 8Th), that was my day off.
At 6:30a.m. I awaken from a very deep sleep to go make a potty run and thinking "I'll be able to go back to sleep."
Well, much to my surprise my cell phone was flashing-which means that someone has called me.
So I look at it and see that it was ex-husband (whom lives in TX.) that has called and left a message and a text message too.
So I check the text the text first.
This is what it read. Now remind you I'm still half asleep.
"Errin is okay,stitched up, it will require plastic surgery. Don't call here until 11 am your time. We need some sleep. Message received my time at 5:19am.
So I PANIC!!!!
Then I listen to the voice message.
It states,
Lori, Errin was in a car accident and we're at the hospital. She's going to be okay.
He stops talking and I can hear the doctor in the back ground saying, she's gonna be sore and she's a banged up.

OKAY!! I AM WIDE AWAKE NOW. CRYING MY EYES OUT. Keep in mind hubby is in Ky. and other daughter-Heather is in TX. visiting. First thought that pops into my mind is OMG! my daughter needs plastic surgery. She is mangled and all cut up.

I call daughter, Heather, who is there; and she thought I was crazy. She didn't know anything about it. So she wakes up grandma to find out what is going on.

Well, I call hubby(who is an hour behind my time) at 6:30am and I'm crying so hard into the phone he can't understand me. He thought I was in an accident.
so he calms me down and I proceed to tell him the story. In between dropped calls.
Heather calls me back with info. First it was, she was in the back seat on the passenger side and they got t-boned from a driver that ran a red light and the impact was on her side and she was the only one that got hurt. She's okay, she had to have 13 stitches. Her eyes were all scratched up and face has little scratches on it.

Well, about a half a pack cigarettes and half a pot of coffee I was well awake and a nervous wreck. Hubby gets me calmed down. I call a few family members and friends.

Well at about 11a.m. my ex calls with info.
I immediately start crying and shaking. Okay, here's what he said.
Errin has 15 stitches in her head. It wasn't a straight cut, it was jagged. Her eyes were fine. In fact, she was wearing her glasses and they weren't broken, bent or scratched. She had blood all in her head and all over her.
That is enough to scare any parent. We still don't have the full detail of the accident. Awaiting the police report. But it seems that this guy that was driving the car Errin was in, is the one actually at fault. He is the one that ran the red light.
But the impact was on her side and she hit the window from the crash.

That had to be one of the scariest things I've gone through. My baby was in a car accident.
She is very lucky to walk away with just 15 stitches. I tell her that every time I talk to her.
It could have been worse and I'm glad it wasn't.
I told her God and her grandmother were watching down over her. She is so lucky.

This accident happened about 1:30 a.m. (TX. time). There is more to the story that I will tell later.

But after all that stress, a bottle of wine throughout the day at about 6 p.m. I was feeling relaxed(for the most part). Every time I look at any of her pictures I thank God she's okay.
And then my weekend was spent working 15 hours each day. So tonight I hope that I get some good sleep and sleep in later.

That was my day off and my weekend. Errin will be coming out to visit in July and Heather will be with her coming home. I can't wait to see both of them.

So now it's off to bed to rest and SLEEP!!!!!
I hope that everyone had a good weekend.

Oh by the way, yes her name is spelled with 2 R's not one-Errin. It is something different.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she's going to be ok. How scary!

July will be here before you know it.

loria said...

yes very scary. i'm still a little shaken up about it. she's doing okay herself.