Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Sorry for not blogging in awhile. You seen, I have been a little bit under the weather. Something that I thought was a bug turned out to be something more.

And let me tell you all that it scared the crap out of me. First of all I have to start by telling you all, that about 4 years ago I was diganosed with "ULCERATIVE COLITIS". I've been in remission with it for almost 2 years now. And with that in mind that is when I got my divorce from my ex-husband and hey, thought my problem was gone, like he was. Well much to my surprise on Sun. morning, I had to wake up Mr. Wolf and have him take me to the E.R.

I tried not letting me see my fear or worriness about what was going on with me.

Did I tell you I also hate going to the E.R.? I just find the doctors not in too much of a hurry to let you know what is going on.

I had an I.V. hooked up to me and 6 tubes of blood drawn. Come on, I couldn't possibly have that much blood in me, LOL. Oh, but the pain medicine they gave me was worth the trip. (hehe). I also had to have a CT scan of my abdomen done, which didn't show much.

So, after trying to sleep and rest; with kids screaming and crying and the parents yelling at them to be quiet, I decided it was time for me to go home and try to rest in the peace and comfort of my own bed. So they give me the prescriptions and tell me to rest for a couple of hours... and also refer me to a Gastro specialist...which I can't get in to see until Nov. 17th.

Come on, what's the point of seeing a specialist if I have to wait. I made the appointment (well, Mr. Wolf did, isn't he sweet.). So I've been trying to educate Mr. Wolf about this condition or disease that I have. And he's really scared about it. 'Cause. it can lead to Crohn's disease and to colon cancer. I know about it because when I found out that I had it, I dug into finding everything out about it and how it effects me and my family.

I am trying to give Mr. Wolf information to read so that he may learn about as well.

On a better note, remember I said I had to take 2 tests last week? Well, we finally took them both today. I passed both an 87 and a 90. BIG PAT ON THE BACK FOR ME!!!!! Not too bad for someone that hasn't been in school for awhile, huh?

Thanks for listening everyone. I appreciate everyone that reads my blog and comments on it.
Thanks to all!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What a Thurs.?????

Today was my second day in class. Well, we had no test. Thank goodness! I wasn't prepared. I've been under the weather since Tues. night. I was running a fever last night and couldn't remember what I was studying. But today in class, I was blurting out all the RIGHT answers. WOW!! What a feeling that was.

But I am feeling better now and very proud that I did remember something
last night that I was studying.
School is going very well, alot of homework though. Oh well, all the hard work and studying WILL pay off.
Tonight is cooking dinner for the family and watching Grey's Anatomy.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006





Well, today was my first day of school. It went really good. We actually got out early due to being the first day, I guess.
But OMG, do I have homework. I have to read and do reviews and study definations. I forgot what it was like to be in school. I mean, come on being 40 yrs. old and going back. I feel like I have made a big huge step.
So if I have so much homewrok why am I on my blog? Well, needed a break from studying and thought I'd check e-mails and read other blogs too.
But I do have alot of work to do and must get to it. I don't want to make bad grades and have hubby punish me.LOL!!!!
So wish me luck on study and passing my first test on Thurs.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday once again..................

It's been a little while since I've wrote on my blog.
Last the kitten,Boots was going to get fixed and she pulled
through it just fine. She is wearing a cone around her neck and
has finally started eating and drinking water and moving around.
I found her on my bed last night and was amazed that she jumped
up there.
We also have another addition to the family. My daughter told us all she
wanted for Christmas was a puppy. So she found one that she wanted and
we went last Sun. afternoon to pick him up. It had to be a boy cause my hubby
is floating in the estorgen level around the house. She named him "Pookie".
He is so darn cute and so little. He weighs 1.92 pounds. But he is very much
like having an infant around. He demands attention-all the time.
The other cats don't like him, YET. He tries really hard to make friends with Baby,
who is 18 lbs. She hisses and bats at him. It's so cute.
So there has been excitiment in our house.
But he's so cute and adorable. Mr. Wolf likes him too. He likes playing with the puppy. Well, I was gonna put a picture of him on her but can't get it to work.
Will try later.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

off to the vet

Our kitten Boots is on her way to the vet to be "fixed". She's in heat every 2 weeks and we
decided to get her fixed. I mean why not the other 2 are fixed and not to mention me too.LOL.
I'm just nervous about leaving her there all day.
But I gave her lots of love this morning and told her everything was going to be okay.
I hope it doesn't change her too much. If anything she may calm down a bit, she's a little
crazy at times. She's very small and hopefully this will put some weight on her. It did with the
other 2 cats. And they are pretty calm too.
I am worried about her.
We can go at 4 pm to pick her up.
So keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Friday, October 13, 2006


Wow! It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I don't have to go into work. Thank goodness. But do beware it is
Friday the 13th. So becareful out there. No walking under ladders, don't let
a black cat cross in front of you, don't break any mirrors. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
But is all that really true. If any of it happens, will you have bad luck for
years to come. I don't know and I don't really want to find out.

Have a Good Friday everyone and a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thinking and Wondering????

Do you ever think that your in a realationship and "oh we're comfortable with each other?"
Do you ever take each other for grant and not realize it?
I've been thinking about BOTH those questions. I've only been married for 6 mths. now, and this is my second marriage. But it got me to thinking.
Yea, maybe I am.
But you have to understand this man is TOTALLY different from the last one.
You see, we are comfortable with each other and I do think at times we do take each other for grant. But I do think that because we are comfortable with each other. Did that make any sense at all?
I love this man dearly and deeply. And I think sometimes, I don't know how to show it or say because I think he already knows.
This man puts MY needs before his own and sometimes I don't know how to feel about it. He's paid for me to go back to school and he's my pillar of strength and courage.
I really don't know how to express to him how I feel about him.
(and by the way this other man is none other than BBW or Mr. Wolf)
He has been the BEST friend I could want.
And we were truly friends before we started dating each other.
He has a heart bigger than the world. He tells me all the time he'd do anything for me. Well, I believe him. He's given so much to me and I feel like I haven't given back. He's the one with the bigger income and is telling me if I want to take some time off from working to focus on school, then I can do that. How many men would do that for their wives or for the one that they love?
I just hope he doesn't think that I am taking him for grant or that I am that comfortable with "us".
Mr. Wolf is a wonderful, caring, understanding, and loving man.
I hope that he reads this and understands how I feel about him.
Sometimes words aren't so easy to say as they are to write.

So I think everyone that is in a realationship should stop and think about what they DO have and how much that other person means to them.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Give me strength

I only have 1 more week left until I leave my crappy job.
I just need the strength to work the next few shifts I have to
work. I really can't wait for it to be over. I'm tired of all the
drama that everyone brings into work.
I'll just be glad when I can go to a job do my work and come home.
I feel like a puppet on a string right now.
I'm not sleeping well either and I hate the fact of having to go to
work each miserable day.
My husband is being very supportive and he's even told me to quit-yesterday!
I hate going to work and busting my butt for what??? NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
I've worked as a waitress in a lot of different resturants and NEVER have I
made so little money or had so much stress.
I know that with any job that there is stress, but with all the b.s. I go through it's
not worth it.
Actually sitting here, typing my thoughts and feelings I have made my mind up.
Sun. is my last day!!!!
I need some time off to myself and be with my family and enjoy LIFE before I start school.
I feel that if I don't then I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown or end up killing someone.
So to all of you that read this, THANK YOU. I now feel that I have the strength to do this.
Mr. Wolf will be happy with the choice I've made.
So I am doing this for me, my family and my well being and peace of mind,(while I still have one left).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Haven't been on, sorry

Sorry that I haven't posted anything. But not to much has been going on in my life.
Mr. Wolf did make it home safe and sound and in one piece, especially after his drive through
D.C. LOL!!!
It's been the same ole same thing.
Except last night I got a call from one of my co-workers; whom is also a very close friend of mine. He was in the hospital due to his blood pressure being very high. Turns out, he had a busted blood vessel in his brain and they did test to see if he had a stroke. Thank God, no he didn't. It was all due to "STRESS". I also have high blood pressure and am on meds for it. But it goes to show us all that even with meds, the blood pressure can still rise and cause problems.
I called him earlier and he is just feeling tired. His blood pressure is stable. I told him to REST,REST AND TAKE IT EASY.
Life is too short to worry and stress over things.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Well I went into work yesterday afternoon-after having 2 days off(back to back),
and after being there for a bit I decided to put my notice in.
First of all, it was not busy the night before and the afternoon girl from yesterday
who was trying to get me to work for her;didn't do anything.
Come to find out this girl can't even tell a lie right. She told me she has a test at 8am the next morning and needed to study,told someone else she didn't feel well and then told a friend of
mine that her best friend just got divorced and they were going out to celebrate.
Ok- if you're gonna lie stick with one and not 3 others.
So I go about doing all the work that needed to be done.
When the manager came in she said I could go home. Well I'd hope so after being there for
3 1/2 hours and only 3 tables and no money. I told her I was putting in my 2 week notice.
She looks at me and says"WHY?". I looked at her and started explaining that I was going back to school and I do not make any money there. She then asked me "WHY ARE YOU GOING BACK TO SCHOOL?"
I mean come on did she not understand my statement.
And then I told her that they scheduled me to bartend and I didn't want to on the weekends.
Who wants to work a bar shift from 830am-5pm on a Sun.? Not me when I could be watching a football game or doing something else. Besides everytime I work the bar IT IS NOT BUSY!!!!
But I did it and everyone ask me what took me so long to do it.
I think I wanted to wait closer to classes starting before I did. But if I wanna work part-time somewhere I can.
Yea,the manager even wants me to think about working in between classes there. I told her I'd think about it. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So alot has happened in my life this week. And the best part-----MR. WOLF IS ON HIS WAY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we get some time before I go to work tonight. But the best part-I'll be able to cuddle up next to him tonight.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I DID IT..........

Well today I went and registered for school and paid for it.
I am going to school to become a CNA. I was so excitied I went
and bought scrub pants for doing my clinical work and started
looking for shoes.
Today is also mine and Mr. Wolf's 6 mth. wedding anniversary.
He sent me flowers. I wasn't excepting them.
So today has been a great day for me in all ways.
It's been full of excitiment and I feel like a weight
has been lifted off me.
I start school in a few weeks and can't wait.
I am so looking forward to it. And then I
can quit my job as a waitress where I work.
Which today being my day off, I got a phone call from
one of the girls wanting me to work for her.
I didn't return her call. There's a couple of other
people she can call.
So tonight is my night to relax and PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This is a picture of me and my daughters.

Errin(left)14 yrs.old

me in the middle

Heather(right)15 yrs.old


I needed to relax and unwind abit.
So I thought after dinner I'd take
a nice hot relaxing bubblebath.
We'll our cat (Flower), who likes
to sit on the edge of the tub while
in the shower or she sits on the
toilet. Anyway, she's on the toilet
watching me lay in the hot bubbles.
The next thing I know while I'm
laying back with my eyes closed
relaxing, I feel her whiskers on
my face. She then starts batting
at the bubbles and licking them
off of me.
For a moment I thought she was
gonna get in with me.
So after playing with the bubbles
she's sitting on the edge of the tub.
Her whole tail in the water and bubbles.
She goes to jump off and realizes her tail
is soaked.
I started laughing,she didn't know what
was going on.
So she sat on the floor and licked her tail.
I've never had a cat join me in a bubble bath.
Now she's on the edge looking at the leftover
bubbles in the tub batting her paw at them.
What strange cats we have?????????


My daughter who is 15 yrs.old. wanted to watch the movie " FOOTLOOSE" . So I rented it.
Growing up in the 80's, I liked the music, not like todays stuff. Anyway she is on this "80's" kick. The way we dressed and danced and the music we listened to.
She was thrilled by the movie by the way the hair was so BIG and the leg warmers with skirts and jeans. She thought it was so COOL. She'll even put the t.v. on the 80's music channel and listen to some of the songs. She was amazed that I, 40, still remembered the words and the people who sung the songs.
She asked "whatever happened to the 80's?". It's the RAP music that is out today. That's what happened.
I thought it was pretty cool that a 15 yr. old took interest in MY TIME.
She actually wants to dress the way we did way back when.
I think it's cool.
The 80's was a great time. Not all the crap that goes on in schools now days. That is why
she is homeschooled.
I loved the music and the way we dressed.
I'm going back in time but we're only young once, right.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Doing nothing

Yesterday was a restful day for me.
I actually watched the movie"RV" with Robin Williams.
It was funny. Now my daughter wants to go on a rv trip.
OK. I'd enjoy it because I use to go camping when I was
little. But it does sound like a fun idea.
I spent most of the day just laying around doing
We did go to Kroger and she had to take the kitten
in a little carrier she bought for the kitten. It was
a little weird pushing a cart around with a kitten in
it. But no one said a word and the cat liked it. My
hubby laughed about it when I told him.
But the time alone was nice.
I must be going through some sortof change. I was
down and felt depressed most of the day.
Who knows? I am a woman so who knows what to
expect most of the time with our moods.
I did read Tink's blog and it got me to thinking
about "newlyweds" since I am still one.
Do you remember your first movie you saw together?
Do you remember the first time you kissed?
Do you remember the first time you got flowers from him?
Do you remember the last time he sent you flowers?
Do you remember the first time you told the person you loved
I was remember all of that about me and Mr. Wolf. I'll have to
tell yall how we met in a later story.
I guess yesterday was a day for me on looking back.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I actually slept in to about 11am and it felt GREAT!!!!
I orginally took today off to spend with my other half
but he's in Penn. so it's a day to myself. Whatever shall I do???
NOTHING!!! That is what I'm gonna do.
It'll probably be 2 more weeks before I see my other half.
I am going to enjoy my day and RELAX. What is that??
I'll find out today. I haven't had a Sun. since July.
Later on it's football and beer.
I'm going to find a game to watch and start the
beer drinking.